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Wednesday, November 25, 2009



`` wuiih
`` 累死
`` upload照片等3个小时才好-..-
`` 显 能写的时候写到一半人就不耐了
`` 继续继续~


`` 前一晚
`` 因为要赶作业 所以熬夜
`` 熬到半夜4点
`` 不耐了 就去休息下
`` 就又不小心睡着
`` 起来的时候就7点早上 要赶着去飞机场了
`` 然后把作业再赶完下 就去准备准备
`` Then出发咯~
`` 要特别谢谢11~哈哈哈~有你真好~

`` 这次是要去中国的佛山
`` 爸爸要做事情
`` 我不想待在家 所以就去了

`` Emm..
`` 9点的飞机去KK
`` 11点35分的飞机转去香港
`` 然后坐巴士去地铁站
`` 再来坐地铁去火车站
`` 又再坐火车去地铁站
`` 又来坐地铁到佛山地铁站
`` 就酱闹啊闹
`` 闹一整天@@
`` 晚上10:30才到佛山的酒店
`` 真的是有够累
`` 也很冷TT
`` 不过很爽 hehe

不错吃下啦 哈哈

烤鸡 GOOD!

dunno wad name d mee liao~ haha

水饺 i like it XD


`` 这天陪家人去看东西
`` 过后发生一些事
`` 嗯 对我影响很大
`` 那时很生气 心情超级不好
`` 哎哟 懒惰写啦
`` 看哪一个38的要知道来问我啦

这个是他们要看的 - curtain


`` 这天啊
`` 噢噢 想起了
`` 因为很累 所以都在酒店里睡
`` 然后就叫room service
`` 觉得超爽 哈哈哈

`` 然后晚上去吃海鲜
`` 虽然是很贵很贵的
`` 可是我觉得没差-..-

`` 然后就去喷泉
`` 哇 是我目前见过最大的KTV场所
`` 没办法 38佬嘛 哈哈 我朋友教的~
`` 而且超美d oh
`` 真的噢!
`` 看我的脸就知道我不会骗人噢
`` Muahahahah
`` Ohhhhh~ paiseh.. 你看不到 TT
`` 里面还有一个大大的舞台
`` 通常请歌手表演的地方
`` 很棒就是了
`` 哎呀 没有妓女舞女的啦
`` very cleeeeeeeeean 哈哈


The rest will b continue
becoz I'm lazy 2 write now
It's too many

Then talk about 2day

`` Erm..
`` woke up b4 1:00pm
`` Coz Ah bi called me out
`` Then I hav my bath and changed my clothes and went out
`` We're going 2 d spring
`` Yea It's a mall -.-

`` Then having lunch there
`` After that Aly got some problem
`` Very tired or wad larhx dia
`` Wuiiiiiiyoh -.- sienz
`` Then Aly and Ah Gi played in a baby kedai
`` haizz
`` Me? juz b waiting there and looking east and west
`` very BORED
`` When will 27 come ner?
`` We can go watch movie luuuuu~
`` yea!

`` Then going back home
`` Then I slept for a while
`` Then I went out again 2 buy something eat
`` Then I watched 海派甜心 (cute~)
`` Then I watched HEROES season 4 (very NICE!!)
`` Then I did XX things
`` Then I'm here typing my bloggie
`` Soo that's all

`` Hmm..
`` Missing ... a bit now
`` hahahaha oooops
`` shh~
`` bye



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